Improving Access: Kianyaga High School Bio-Digesters

Kianyaga High school is a school based in Central province. They have a vision: to create a citadel of excellency.They aim to provide quality education that will produce an all-round citizen who is disciplined, creative, self-reliant and of quality service to the nation. Achievement of this would create a new breed of citizens that would drive the Kenyan Nation towards its vision 2030.

The school management thought it shrewd to make the boys’ learning experience better by partnering with Umande Trust, a nascent rights-based agency which believes that modest resources, strategically invested in support of community-led initiatives, can significantly improve access to water for all.
They had one goal, to improve the sanitation of the school, and what better agency to  do this other than Umande Trust, concreted by their unending  successful involvement with the community on sanitation and water. With funding from WARMA, their dreams became true.

With the baton passed on to Umande, they deemed it fit to construct three bio digesters in the school. The labor was supplied by both artisans and skilled laborers. The 70m3 located next to the hostels is the largest, the one next to the labs is 50m3, and finally there is a 20m3 next to the garden and pig sty, strategically placed to get waste from the pigs and cattle. The three would then be used to supply gas to the kitchen for cooking.

Human health is imperative for them to function effectively. To attain their aim, the management team of Kianyaga School came up with this strategy which is currently being implemented. The Umande fraternity wishes them the best in their project and that they benefit from it and spread the gospel.

Written by Electa Rosana
Edited by Jill Apiyo


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